"At the sight of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity..." Matthew 9:36
It took me a while to write another article about inspiring Filipinos because I had to research about this one particular person. I was watching Pinoy Meets World last week and it featured Thailand. More than the wonderful sights and interesting facts about this country in the Southeast Asian region, it caught my attention about an unheralded Filipina caring unceasingly for the unwanted and abandoned. Her name is Sis. Eliza Dumapit.
Sis. Eliza Dumapit, a member of the Daughters of Charity, has been working in St. Clare's Hospice in Thailand for 11 years. Her job? Nursing people afflicted with AIDS (Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome). Despite many awareness campaigns to educate and foster understanding regarding this illness, not very many will be willing to care for those afflicted with it. But not Sis. Eliza. Everyday, she attends to the medical needs of her 16 wards. Everyday, she would lovingly feed them, dress them, listen to their stories, bring smiles on their haggard faces and bless them with her presence. She has seen death many times but still she continues to do what she does every single day. I don't think a lot of people will be willing to work or endure a day in the company of people with AIDS but Sis. Eliza negates this seemingly unthinkable task. What is the reason why she continues to do so? COMPASSION. It is SELFLESS LOVE for others.
I am reminded of Mother Teresa because she belongs to the same congregation as Sis. Eliza. And who would not know her? Just like Sis. Eliza, she cares for the poor and the sick in India. She continued to do so even until her death. Her simple acts of charity showed how much love this world can still give only if people will allow themselves to do so. I believe this is also what heroism is about -- to love others more than yourself.
In Jesus' time, we have read how he spend most of his days helping the needy and preaching the good news. He had died in the cross for our sins and the single reason for that is His UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for all mankind. And there are many people in our present time who, like Sis. Eliza and Mother Teresa continue to care and help -- a love that is UNCONDITIONAL and UNREQUITED!
I believe that God calls us, first and foremost, to love our neighbors. By and through what means is up to us. We are given so many blessings every single day there is no reason for us not to share. So choose to care. Choose to help. Choose to LOVE.
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