As I write this they have already buried her. Pres. Cory Aquino has been taken to her resting place finally. And now she is re-united with her husband, Ninoy.
Watching ABS-CBN covered the requiem mass at the Manila Cathedral, I came across a video recorded earlier on Bishol Tagle's sermon. In his speech, he narrated Pres. Aquino telling him how proud she was to be a Catholic.
I don't know anyone who will be bold enough to claim pride in a religion beset with many controversies and scandals over many centuries: the Schism, the Inquisition, the pedophile cases against priests, among others. In the Philippines, Catholicism seemed to have lost its amore among the people, particularly the young.
But when Bishop Tagle narrated that Pres. Cory's remark, I was comforted. Because here is a respectable woman who continued to believe in the teachings of the Catholic faith. Here is a woman who not only paid lip service to the merits of Catholicism but live it well.
Catholicism, I believe, does not differ from Protestantism, Islam, nor Buddhism in that we are called to love and respect one another. The question is how can we manifest it in the modern times. Tita Cory showed us how it is done: her unwavering belief in the strength and resiliency of the Filipino people, her dedication to the upliftment of women and better education to the young. More so, her unconditional love for her children and her children's children.
We have the saints of old to emulate on being better Catholics but I guess real persons liked Tita Cory made the most impact of inspiring us to be the best we can. May her examples and memories not go to waste nor unrecognized.
Rest in Peace Tita Cory. And please continue to pray for the Filipinos here and around the world.
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